Månads bröllopsfoto i Bröllopsguiden

Är fotograferat av Stig Albansson som jobbar som bröllopsfotograf i Göteborg. Brudparet är ett svensk-engelskt par som gifte sig i Stenungsund, och bilden är fotograferad utanför Stenungsunds kyrka. Den vita väggarna är kyrkans.

Am very happy and honoured on behalf of Anja & Tristan. They have been choosen as the Couple of October by Bröllopsguiden. Don´t know if there will be a possibility to vote for the Picture of the Year, but I hope you vote on this in that case 😉

This picture has been publicized on the blog before but I would like to give it to you once more.

8 Kommentarer

  1. Georgios

    Congratulations Stig! Really nice picture.
    … and congratulations to the happy couple of course, both for their wedding and the ”picture of the month”!

    • stiga

      Thanks Georgios, much appreciated..!

  2. Torun Algrim Klingspor

    Stig – what a picture! No wonder it was selected the picture of the month! Congratulations! Both to you and the happy couple.

    • stiga

      Thanks Torun 🙂 Nice to see that you have found the blog..!

  3. Erika

    Åh vilka fina bilder Stig! Du är jätteduktig! Om man kan rösta på dig någonstans så gör jag mer än gärna det. Kram!!

    • stiga

      Tack Erika! Tror det blir en omröstning i slutet av året, då får du gärna rösta 😉 Kram, Stig

  4. sonja

    Hello Stig!
    To wote for ”The weddingpicture of the year” (Bröllopsguiden, http://www.brollopsguiden.se) you have to wait untiI January/February next year.
    The picture you choosed this time (again) is my favourite. The composition and colours is a piece af artwork.

    Says a proud mother-of-the-bride.
    (I was just looking at Anja & Tristan at the slideshow, and I am happy that it is still there, because I just recommended it to a friend.) Best regards,
    Sonja Karlsson

    • stiga

      Hello Sonja, and thanks so much for those words, much appreciated..!